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UNM > Information Technologies > Alerts Internal Login
UNM School of Law Outages 7/30
Type: Announcement
Period: 7/30/20 - Present
The University of New Mexico has identified that there was an intrusion into the IT environment at the UNM School of Law on June 27. School of Law email and file-sharing services were affected. Based on current findings we believe the issue is isolated to the School of Law and isn’t linked to other systems at UNM.
School of Law Students, Faculty and Staff should use their @unm email account until further notice and access email at lobomail.unm.edu.
If you need assistance accessing your @unm email account, please contact the UNM IT Service Desk at 277-5757.
A support email lawhelpdesk@unm.edu has been set up for those in need of any additional Law School IT support services.
The School of Law’s IT department and UNM’s central IT team are working together to restore services.
Phishing/Spoofing Campaigns - Ongoing
Type: Announcement
Period: 10/23/18 - Present
The UNM IT Customer Support Service Desk and the UNM Information Security & Privacy Office (ISPO) have received many reports of fraudulent/phishing emails sent to UNM community members.
There does not appear to be any evidence of automatic downloads, malware, or other malicious software associated with the email samples provided. Any credentials (usernames, passwords, etc.) associated with these emails appear to have been the result of high-profile data breaches of parties external to UNM.
For more information regarding extortion email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
All email accounts associated with the impersonation attempts have been hosted by third-parties external to UNM. As with the extortion emails referenced above, there does not appear to be any indication of compromised UNM accounts associated with these types phishing/spoofing campaigns. Additionally, there is no evidence automatic downloads, malware, or other malicious software associated with the email samples provided.
For more information regarding extortion email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
UNM community members are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the University Information Security & Privacy Office at the address security@unm.edu. Where possible, ISPO staff encourage users to submit samples ‘as an attachment’ so the full message headers can be analyzed. For information on providing an email as an attachment please visit the following:
81岁老母亲突遇灾劫,生命垂危,学佛念经神奇化解 ...:2021-5-22 · 2021年4月7日下午五点左右,我在上班的店面外,看到平时自己浇水护养的两棵酸柑树(橘子树)结果子了,而且果子结得很大颗也已经很成熟了。于是,我拿了一把梯子想爬上去把它采下来。当时我只是往梯子上走了一层,仅仅增加我的高度而已。
- 净空法师:我劝大家把海贤老和尚的光碟看一千遍--学佛网:2021-6-1 · 当海贤师父看到圆明寺寺院观音殿前大梧桐树枝下垂过低,妨碍来往信众,就拿着斧头、锯刀,爬着梯子上到树上修刷树枝。一一二岁的老人啦,万一有个闪失咋办?高兴的是,师父都一百多岁啦,还能自个上到树上干这活,真是咱佛门的僧宝啊!
- Contain ‘[SPAM?? #%]’ in the subject line
- Contain advertising in the message body
What you should do: Forward the Spam sample (as an attachment) to spamdrop@unm.edu
These messages typically have one or more of the following attributes/characteristics:
- The messages are unsolicited and are sent from unfamiliar addresses
- The message body encourages you to take any action such as responding to the original message or clicking a link, or contains otherwise suspicious text
What you should do: Forward the Phishing sample (as an attachment) to security@unm.edu
To stay updated with the latest phishing attempts and major security alerts visit the ISPO’s Phish Bowl and Advisories page:
🗽 老王 VPN 永久免費佛系 VPN 秒連高速穩定梯子 永久更 …:21 小时前 · 新版變化 嗨,大家好,我是老王! 這版更新了众下事項,堪稱市面上功能最完善的免費 VPN。 恢復連線碼功能,現在可众在 iOS/PC/Mac 上享受安全連線了! 地區判斷加入智能模型,智能連線現在更聰明瞭。 佛系經營,活不活得下來全看緣分,不強求!
For more information regarding phishing/spoofing email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
If you feel you have been the victim of a crime please file a report with UNM PD or visit http://police.unm.edu.
Type: Announcement
Period: 7/30/20 - Present
The University of New Mexico has identified that there was an intrusion into the IT environment at the UNM School of Law on June 27. 老王佛系官网下载 email and file-sharing services were affected. Based on current findings we believe the issue is isolated to the School of Law and isn’t linked to other systems at UNM.
School of Law Students, Faculty and Staff should use their @unm email account until further notice and access email at lobomail.unm.edu.
If you need assistance accessing your @unm email account, please contact the UNM IT Service Desk at 277-5757.
A support email lawhelpdesk@unm.edu has been set up for those in need of any additional Law School IT support services.
The School of Law’s IT department and UNM’s central IT team are working together to restore services.
FastInfo and StudentInfo (RightNow) will be Unavailable 8/3 from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 9:45 a.m.
Type: Announcement
Period: 8/3/20 9:00 am - 8/3/20 9:45 am
To ensure continued support and improve service, FastInfo and StudentInfo will unavailable due to the annual upgrade on Monday, August 3rd, between 9:00 a.m. and 9:45 a.m.
IT staff from several campus departments will be performing quality assurance and functionality testing from 9:30 a.m to approximately 9:45 a.m when FastInfo and StudentInfo services are available after the upgrade is in place.
Office 2010 and 2013 no longer supported for O365 use, 10/13
Type: Announcement
Period: 7/16/20 8:00 am - 10/30/20 11:00 pm
As previously announced via 老王佛系官网下载 and MC175274 (March, 2024), Office 2010 and 2013 clients' connections to Office 365 services will not be supported after October 13, 2024.
After this date, ongoing investments in the Office 365 cloud services – including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business – will proceed based on post-Office 2013 requirements. We recommend that area units with Office 2010 or 2013 clients consider migrating to Office 2024 or 365 ProPlus as soon as possible (prior to October 13th).
Up to date information on current Office system requirements can be found under on the Office system requirements page, with related timelines available in the Office system requirements 佛系梯子.
Microsoft and UNM IT will not take any active measures to block older Office clients, such as Office 2013 and Office 2010, from connecting to Office 365 services.
However, legacy clients attempting to connect to a modern, always up- to- date cloud service may experience performance and reliability issues. Are units will face an increased security risk, and may find themselves out of compliance depending on specific regional or industry requirements. Microsoft and UNM IT Help may not be able to resolve issues that arise due to unsupported service connections.
Warning messages in Office 365/Windows 10 on personal devices, 7/9 - present
Type: Announcement
Period: 7/7/20 - 8/3/20
UNM users may experience one or more of the following behaviors or messages on personal devices where Office 365 is installed:
- After opening an Office 365 Pro Plus application on your personal device, some users may get a message saying "Account Error: Sorry, we can’t get to your account right now. To fix this, please sign in again."
Example: http://unmm-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/nssabol_unm_edu/Ef3kLt5XSetCn-kPjTRMRCkByg8CrZCS1QyqjZqPdbQgeg?e=r23hWq
- Users may receive the following Windows Notification: "University of New Mexico has removed your workplace account and deleted all of the information associated with your workplace account (including business apps, password requirements, and other policies) from your device."
Example: http://unmm-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/nssabol_unm_edu/EcGjQZi-hflInAIAbQx3fuwBzCy3x-7AdM3Q8318Lcuqaw?e=FCf7u3
To fix this issue, simply sign in again to Office 365 Pro Plus (installed on your computer) if prompted.
2021 10 月 02|Good軟:老王,一款免費的安卓VPN vyprvpn 安卓端新版本发布 胡錫進抱怨翻牆難引熱議 中國工信部回應VPN管控 伔朗宣布扣一艘外国油轮 英国派第三艘战舰前往波斯湾 雷颐:把盲目排外称为爱国,是近伕中国的悲剧 中国民营企业首次成功发射卫星
Type: Announcement
Period: 6/22/20 - 8/31/20
To ensure the health and safety of the UNM community, departments are required to develop a Return to Operations Plan and submit a formal request prior to reopening facilities and returning to campus. On Monday, 6/22/2024, the Facility Re-Open Request application was made available for facility managers, investigators, and department designees to submit these requests.
For information about the review and approval process, and access to the application, please visit: http://fm.unm.edu/reopen-request/reopen.html.
UNM Daily Symptom Screening (Monday, 6/8/2024, 7 AM)
Type: Announcement
Period: 6/8/20 7:00 am - Present
Consistent with the State of New Mexico’s COVID-Safe Practices for New Mexico employers, all UNM faculty, staff, and students are required to complete a daily symptom screening prior to coming to campus. UNM HR and IT have worked on and will make available the "UNM Daily Symptom Screening" online form on Monday, June 8, 2024.
Each day, as an employee and/or resident student, you will receive an email from covidscreen@unm.edu asking if you are planning on coming to campus that day with a YES/NO answer which will take you to the UNM Daily Symptom Screening online application at lobocheckin.unm.edu.
By not completing the online form you are acknowledging that you are not scheduled to work that day and will not be on campus that day.
If you are a faculty, staff or student at the UNM Health Sciences Center and are already completing the HSC daily survey, you do not need to complete this UNM survey.
If you have questions about this process, please contact clientsv@unm.edu. If you have questions about the authenticity of this email, please contact UNM IT at (505) 277-5757.
Phishing/Spoofing Campaigns - Ongoing
Type: Announcement
Period: 10/23/18 - Present
The UNM IT Customer Support Service Desk and the UNM Information Security & Privacy Office (ISPO) have received many reports of fraudulent/phishing emails sent to UNM community members.
Extortion Emails
There does not appear to be any evidence of automatic downloads, malware, or other malicious software associated with the email samples provided. Any credentials (usernames, passwords, etc.) associated with these emails appear to have been the result of high-profile data breaches of parties external to UNM.
For more information regarding extortion email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
Impersonation Emails
All email accounts associated with the impersonation attempts have been hosted by third-parties external to UNM. As with the extortion emails referenced above, there does not appear to be any indication of compromised UNM accounts associated with these types phishing/spoofing campaigns. Additionally, there is no evidence automatic downloads, malware, or other malicious software associated with the email samples provided.
For more information regarding extortion email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC):
What you can do
UNM community members are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the University Information Security & Privacy Office at the address security@unm.edu. Where possible, ISPO staff encourage users to submit samples ‘as an attachment’ so the full message headers can be analyzed. For information on providing an email as an attachment please visit the following:
These messages typically have one or more of the following attributes/characteristics:
- 人间丨摆得平道上兄弟,稳不住两任老婆_网易人间_网易新闻:2021-8-31 · 人间丨摆得平道上兄弟,稳不住两任老婆 大写,亢龙,警察,线人,民生,婚姻,皮匠,感情 本文系网易“人间”工作室(thelivings)出品。联系方式:thelivings@vip.163.com
- Contain ‘[SPAM?? #%]’ in the subject line
- Contain advertising in the message body
What you should do: Forward the Spam sample (as an attachment) to 老王佛系ios
These messages typically have one or more of the following attributes/characteristics:
- 祸胎(中) - 知乎:2021-8-15 · 王太太在旁边也听见了。她特意挽着我的手亲自送我出门让自己的司机开车送我去明美家。我刚一进门,明美就拉着我去一个窗口,明美的父母和司机老王、保姆琴姨也都在。明美的爸爸拿着一把很像步枪但是比步枪大得多的…
- The message body encourages you to take any action such as responding to the original message or clicking a link, or contains otherwise suspicious text
What you should do: Forward the Phishing sample (as an attachment) to security@unm.edu
To stay updated with the latest phishing attempts and major security alerts visit the ISPO’s Phish Bowl and Advisories page:
For more information regarding phishing/spoofing email schemes please reference the following PSA from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
If you feel you have been the victim of a crime please file a report with UNM PD or visit http://police.unm.edu.
SharePoint phishing attacks
Type: Announcement
Period: 6/3/19 - Present
In the last several weeks, numerous customer NetIDs and passwords were compromised through successful phishing attacks. These attacks have become more sophisticated, and now include using UNM’s SharePoint online services to distribute malicious/ phishing content. UNM IT is investigating and working to mitigate the attacks.
DNS/DHCP/IPAM Hardware Refresh to begin 8/24/2024 through 8/28/2024
Type: Announcement
Period: 8/24/20 - 8/28/20
DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (DDI) is a key infrastructure service to UNM. To maintain this key infrastructure, the week starting August 28th, 2024, UNM - IT will begin an early morning phased hardware refresh of each appliance associated with the UNM Infoblox DDI Grid. Each morning a single component such as Internal Primary DNS/DHCP, secondary, External DNS, or Grid Master will be replaced.
No outage is expected during this time. During the hardware replacement, there is either an Active/Standby or Primary/Secondary physical hardware appliance providing DDI services of the other. There may be a slight delay as your client times out from the primary to secondary. But DHCP address will still be given out, DNS will still resolve, and IPAM will still be available.
Changes to Lobomail (O365) login page and flow, 8/4 - 8/9
Type: Announcement
Period: 8/4/20 - 8/9/20
To improve user experience, availability and lay the groundwork for true SSO, we will finalize the staged migration to Azure AD beginning Tuesday, August 4th at 8:00 AM.
No outage or negative impact is expected but there will be changes to the Lobomail/O365 login flow and login page appearance for users who were not already migrated. Additional information is available in FastInfo 7442.
Users accessing Lobomail via lobomail.unm.edu, mylobomail.unm.edu or webmail.unm.edu are currently directed to the Azure AD login page:
Example: http://unmm-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/nssabol_unm_edu/EcsWQoNOZYVNlLFNaHRZChkBnAnUdfnq1Om9FFXwyCdtuQ?e=Lsg8nu
Once you are migrated to Azure AD, after entering your email address, you will be prompted for your password by the new Azure AD login page:
Example: http://unmm-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/nssabol_unm_edu/Ee2Zulv9FHZPtIuYs57UCjsBU5F0R_4bQvXZ4bo-8cA25g?e=ucBX5V
If you are not migrated to Azure AD yet, you will be redirected to the legacy Lobomail login page (AD FS).
老王佛系ios http://unmm-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/nssabol_unm_edu/Ec9VX4POa0JBl274JS9XZrABbUTT5L5SIL65wR99lbmITw?e=kXEhIf
Once this migration is completed, all users will experience the former and be authenticated entirely by Azure AD. To reduce the number of times you must login per day, you can select "Yes" on the "Stay signed in" screen.
We will be migrating all remaining users starting 8/4. We will migrate ~3500 users per day for 5 days, finishing around 8/9. No negative outage or impact is expected. Migrated users will use the new login screens and flow as described above. Some users may need to re-authenticate to Lobomail, Skype for Business, or other apps on their devices (Outlook mobile app, other mobile apps, Mail for macOS, etc.).
If issues are encountered, affected users should either contact the UNM IT Service Desk for assistance or opt out of modern authentication using http://goto.unm.edu/modern-auth.
UNM Learn planned outage on Saturday, August 1st, 4:30 am - 3:30 pm MT
Type: Outage
Period: 8/1/20 4:30 am - 8/1/20 3:30 pm
UNM Learn will be unavailable on Saturday, August 1st, from 4:30 am until 3:30 pm MT, for system maintenance. The estimate for this outage extends the normal UNM Learn routine maintenance window (http://online.unm.edu/help/learn/support/system-availability.html) due to the amount of work that needs to be done. The following work is scheduled to be completed: 1) regularly scheduled weekly maintenance (4:30 am - 5:30 am), and 2) Oracle database updates, Learn application updates and patches, and numerous integration updates (5:30 am - 3:30 pm).
Please note times are best estimates and may vary depending on issues encountered when carrying out the scheduled work.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the UNM Learn service,
UNM Learn Support
IT Academic Technologies
Banner Student Registration Upgrade Saturday 8/1/20, 6:00 am - 9:00 am
Type: Announcement
Period: 8/1/20 6:00 AM - 8/1/20 9 AM
To ensure adherence to the vendor's release schedule, UNM IT is upgrading Banner applications on Saturday, August, 1st starting at 6:00 am and ending at 9:00 am.
The following services will be unavailable during the upgrade:
-Banner 9 Student Registration Self-Service.
All other Banner services will be available during this time.